AI Governance Lab: A new initiative to shape the future of AI

by Rida Fatima
AI Governance Lab

The Center of Democracy and Technology (CDT) has launched a new AI Governance Lab, led by Miranda Bogen. She is a well-known expert on AI and civil rights. The lab aims to develop and promote the adoption of strong, technically informed solutions for the operative ruling and authority of AI systems.

Bogen has broad experience in working on AI-related issues in the industry and the policy domain. She helped guide responsible AI strategies at Meta. Bogen also researched discrimination in personalized online advertising. She also worked as a senior policy analyst at Uptown. It is an organization that seeks to use tech to advance equity and justice.

The AI Governance Lab will focus on four key areas:

  • AI and human rights
  • AI and democracy
  • AI and competition
  • AI and accountability.

The lab will collaborate with various stakeholders, including policymakers, civil society, academia, and industry, to ensure that AI systems are aligned with democratic values and respect human dignity.

The lab will also produce research, analysis, and recommendations on various topics related to AI governance. The topics will be such as data protection, algorithmic transparency, fairness, and oversight. The lab will also engage in advocacy and education efforts to raise attentiveness and influence policy decisions on AI.

Bogen said that she was drawn to work on AI by seeing the way these technologies were colliding with fundamental conversations about society. She said that she was thrilled by the opportunity to help break through the appearance of technical complexity and help communities shape the way AI is built from the ground up.

The CDT is a nonprofit organization that works to advance democratic values in the digital age. The CDT has been involved in several initiatives related to AI, such as the Global Partnership on AI and the EU AI Alliance.

The AI Governance Lab is part of the CDT’s vision to create a world where technology empowers people and upholds human rights.

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