From Racist Chatbots to Wrongful Arrests: Understanding AI Bias Consequences

by curvature
This blog post explores the concept, causes, examples, impacts, and solutions of AI bias, and how it can harm individuals and groups of people.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that can enhance human capabilities, improve efficiency, and solve complex problems. However, AI is not flawless, and it can also produce biased or unfair outcomes that can harm individuals or groups of people. AI bias is a phenomenon where AI systems produce results that reflect and amplify human prejudices, stereotypes, or discrimination. AI bias can occur due to various factors, such as biased data, algorithms, or human oversight.

What is AI Bias and How Does It Happen?

AI bias can be defined as the systematic deviation of AI outputs from the intended or expected outcomes, due to the influence of human or machine factors. AI bias can affect the accuracy, reliability, and fairness of AI systems, and can lead to erroneous or discriminatory decisions or actions.

AI bias can happen at different stages and levels of the AI development and deployment process, such as:

Data collection and preparation

This stage involves gathering and processing the data that will be used to train and test the AI system. AI bias can happen if the data is incomplete, inaccurate, outdated, or unrepresentative of the target population or context. For example, if the data is skewed towards a certain group of people, such as white males, the AI system may fail to recognize or serve other groups of people, such as women or people of color.

Algorithm design and implementation

This stage involves designing and implementing the algorithm that will process and analyze the data and produce the outputs. AI bias can happen if the algorithm is flawed, complex, or opaque, or if it incorporates human assumptions, preferences, or values. For example, if the algorithm uses a certain feature or criterion to make a decision, such as gender or race, the AI system may produce biased or unfair outcomes, such as favoring one group over another.

Human oversight and intervention

This stage involves monitoring and controlling the AI system and its outputs, and providing feedback, correction, or recourse. AI bias can happen if the human oversight and intervention is insufficient, ineffective, or unethical, or if it introduces human errors, biases, or prejudices. For example, if the human oversight and intervention is lacking or inconsistent, the AI system may produce erroneous or harmful outputs, such as false positives or false negatives, without being detected or corrected.

Examples of AI Bias in Real Life

AI bias can affect various domains and applications, such as healthcare, education, criminal justice, hiring, and social media. Here are some of the examples of AI bias that have caused real-world harm or controversy:

  • Healthcare: A study found that an AI algorithm used by a large US health system to identify patients who need extra care was racially biased. The algorithm assigned risk scores to patients based on their health costs, rather than their health needs. As a result, the algorithm favored white patients over black patients, who tend to have lower health costs due to factors such as lower income, lower access to care, and lower quality of care. The study estimated that the algorithm reduced the number of black patients who would receive additional care by more than half.
  • Education: A report by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) revealed that an AI system used by the UK government to predict the grades of students who could not take exams due to the COVID-19 pandemic was unfair and inaccurate. The algorithm used historical data on the performance of schools and students to generate the grades, which resulted in many students receiving lower grades than expected. The algorithm also discriminated against students from disadvantaged backgrounds, ethnic minorities, and low-performing schools, who were more likely to have their grades downgraded than their peers.
  • Criminal justice: A ProPublica investigation exposed that an AI tool called COMPAS, which is used by courts in the US to assess the risk of recidivism of defendants, was biased against black defendants. The tool assigned higher risk scores to black defendants than white defendants, even when they had similar criminal histories. The tool also made more mistakes in predicting the future crimes of black defendants than white defendants, leading to more false positives and false negatives. The tool’s bias influenced the judges’ decisions on bail, sentencing, and parole, and potentially violated the constitutional rights of the defendants.
  • Hiring: Amazon scrapped an AI system that was designed to automate the hiring process, after discovering that it was biased against women. The system used historical data on the resumes and ratings of past applicants to rank the new applicants. However, the data reflected the male-dominated culture of the tech industry, and the system learned to favor male applicants over female applicants. The system also penalized resumes that contained words such as “women’s” or “female”, or that came from women’s colleges.
  • Social media: A study by Buolamwini and Gebru (2018) found that commercial facial recognition systems from IBM, Microsoft, and Face++ had higher error rates for darker-skinned and female faces than for lighter-skinned and male faces. The systems were trained on datasets that were predominantly composed of white and male faces, and thus failed to recognize the diversity and variation of human faces. The systems’ bias could have serious implications for the privacy, security, and civil rights of people of color and women, who are more likely to be misidentified or excluded by the systems.

Impacts of AI Bias

AI bias can have negative impacts on individuals, groups, and society as a whole. Some of the impacts are:

  • Injustice and discrimination: AI bias can perpetuate or exacerbate existing social inequalities and injustices, such as racism, sexism, classism, and ableism. AI bias can deny people access to opportunities, resources, and services, such as education, healthcare, employment, and justice, based on their identity or background. AI bias can also expose people to harassment, abuse, or violence, based on their appearance or behavior.
  • Loss of trust and confidence: AI bias can undermine the trust and confidence of people in AI systems and their developers, providers, and users. People may lose faith in the accuracy, reliability, and fairness of AI systems, and may question their legitimacy and authority. People may also feel alienated, disempowered, or dehumanized by AI systems, and may resist or reject their use or adoption.
  • Legal and ethical challenges: AI bias can pose legal and ethical challenges for the regulation, accountability, and responsibility of AI systems and their stakeholders. AI bias can violate the laws and norms that protect the rights and interests of people, such as privacy, consent, transparency, and non-discrimination. AI bias can also raise moral and ethical dilemmas, such as who is liable for the harms caused by AI systems, and how to balance the benefits and risks of AI systems for different groups and individuals.

Solutions to AI Bias

AI bias is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach to address. There is no single or simple solution to AI bias, but rather a range of possible solutions that can be applied at different stages and levels of the AI development and deployment process. Some of the possible solutions are:

  • Data quality and diversity: One of the key sources of AI bias is the data that is used to train and test AI systems. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the data is of high quality and diversity, and that it represents the target population and context of the AI system. This can be achieved by collecting, cleaning, labeling, and augmenting the data with care and rigor, and by involving diverse and inclusive stakeholders in the data collection and curation process.
  • Algorithm design and evaluation: Another source of AI bias is the algorithm that is used to process and analyze the data and produce the outputs. Therefore, it is important to design and evaluate the algorithm with fairness and accuracy in mind, and to avoid or mitigate any potential bias or error in the algorithm. This can be done by applying various methods and techniques, such as feature selection, regularization, debiasing, and adversarial learning, and by testing and validating the algorithm with different metrics and scenarios.
  • Human oversight and intervention: A final source of AI bias is the human oversight and intervention that is involved in the development and deployment of AI systems. Therefore, it is crucial to have human oversight and intervention throughout the AI lifecycle, and to ensure that humans can monitor, understand, and control the AI systems and their outcomes. This can be facilitated by implementing various principles and practices, such as transparency, explainability, interpretability, and auditability, and by providing feedback, correction, and recourse mechanisms for the users and the affected parties.


AI bias is a serious and pervasive issue that can cause real-world harm and damage to individuals and groups of people. AI bias can occur due to various factors, such as biased data, algorithms, or human oversight. AI bias can affect various domains and applications, such as healthcare, education, criminal justice, hiring, and social media.

AI bias can have negative impacts on justice, trust, and ethics. AI bias can be prevented or mitigated by improving data quality and diversity, algorithm design and evaluation, and human oversight and intervention. By addressing AI bias, we can ensure that AI systems are fair, accurate, and beneficial for everyone.

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