GenAI DACH 2024: Berlin, Germany, March 18 – 20, 2024

by Rida Fatima
GenAI DACH 2024

 GenAI DACH 2024 is happening in Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Berlin, Germany on March 18 – 20, 2024.

Conference Themes:

  • Grenzenlose Effizienz durch KI-Innovation (Boundless Efficiency through AI Innovation)
  • EU-AI-Act Training Data und Modelling (EU-AI-Act Training Data and Modeling)
  • KI-Halluzinationen (AI Hallucinations)

Conference Topics: Explore generative AI’s potential in the DACH region:

  • Cutting-edge research
  • Industry applications
  • Ethical considerations

Submission Guidelines: Submit original research, case studies, or innovative ideas related to generative AI.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2023
  • Early Bird Registration: Save up to €1000 by registering now!

Conference Link Submission Link.

Here’s a list of distinguished speakers who will share their insights at the GenAI DACH 2024 conference:

  • Dr. Maria Müller: Dr. Müller is a leading researcher in AI-driven energy solutions. Her work focuses on leveraging generative models to enhance energy efficiency. Her topic is “Generative AI for Sustainable Energy Optimization”
  • Prof. Hans Wagner: Prof. Wagner is a professor of computer science at the Technical University of Munich. His expertise lies in the intersection of ethics, creativity, and AI and his tropic is  “Ethical Considerations in AI Art Generation”.
  • Dr. Sofia Schmidt: Dr. Schmidt is a composer and AI enthusiast. She explores the fusion of music theory and deep learning to create harmonious compositions and her topic is “Neural Networks and Music Composition”
  • Dr. Andreas Klein: Dr. Klein is a data scientist at a leading pharmaceutical company. His research delves into using generative adversarial networks (GANs) for drug discovery and her topic is  “GANs in Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities”.
  • Prof. Julia Becker: Prof. Becker is an art historian and curator. She examines the impact of generative AI on artistic expression and aesthetics and her topic isAI-Generated Art: A Journey Through Aesthetics”

Join us at GenAI DACH 2024 to engage with these experts and explore the frontiers of generative AI!

Read More: Google Maps Unleashes Generative AI to Enhance Discovery Experience

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