Grok AI Stories on X: New Feature Summarizing Trending News

by Rida Fatima
Grok AI Stories on X

Grok AI Stories on X: New Feature Summarizing Trending News

In a major progress, X which was previously known as Twitter has launched a new feature called ‘Stories’. It is powered by Elon Musk’s AI chatbot, Grok. This feature aims to summarize personalized trending stories in the app’s Explore section.

Premium subscribers of X will now be able to read summaries of posts related to each trending story featured on the ‘For You’ tab in Explore. The ‘For You’ page shows popular news and stories shared across X’s platform within your network. It also contains other suggested items. It’s among the first stops for X users who want to catch up with what’s being said on the platform, without having to spend long amounts of time scrolling their timeline.

For example, a ‘For You’ page today may feature stories about Apple’s forthcoming iPad event, Microsoft’s security service, and burnout among AI engineers. As users tap into each story to view the related X posts, a summary of the story will now appear at the top of the page, posing a synopsis of the subject matter.

In the case of the AI burnout story, the Grok-powered summary begins: “AI engineers are facing burnout and rushed rollouts due to the competitive race in the tech industry, as companies prioritize investor satisfaction over solving actual problems.” After concisely touching on the problem of the AI “rat race,” the story concludes by saying that “critics argue that proper safeguards and thoughtful innovation should not be afterthoughts in the pursuit of AI investments.”

Amusingly, a message appears below that summary, warning: “Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs.” The idea of summarizing trends is not a new one, but it is new in terms of how the summaries are being controlled. Under its previous leadership, Twitter interpreted some of its daily trends with extra information and pinned a representative tweet to provide further context. But Twitter’s rollout was disorganized, with some trends getting written up and others not.

With Grok’s Stories, as the summaries are called, all the top news on the For You page is summarized. Access to xAI’s chatbot Grok is meant to be a selling point to push users to buy premium subscriptions. With the Premium and top-tier Premium+ plans, users can access Grok by tapping on the bottom middle button of the app.

A snarky and “rebellious” AI is Grok’s distinguishing feature from other AI chatbots like ChatGPT. It has exclusive and real-time access to X data. A report to X on Friday by tech journalist Alex Kantrowitz lays out Elon Musk’s advance plan for AI-powered news on X. Kantrowitz says that conversations on X will make up the core of Grok’s summaries. Grok won’t look at the article text even if that’s what people are discussing on the platform.

Read More: Elon Musk Expands AI Chatbot Grok to All Premium Subscribers on X

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