How to Generate Images from Text on Your Mobile Device with MobileDiffusion

by curvature
MobileDiffusion is a new approach from Google Research that enables sub-second text-to-image generation on mobile devices

A new approach from Google Research that enables sub-second text-to-image generation on mobile devices

Text-to-image generation is a fascinating and challenging task that involves creating realistic and diverse images from natural language descriptions. Text-to-image generation has many potential applications, such as content creation, education, entertainment, and more. However, most of the existing text-to-image models are large and slow, requiring powerful desktops or servers to run. This limits the accessibility and usability of text-to-image generation for mobile users, who may want to generate images on the go, without relying on the cloud or the internet.

What is MobileDiffusion?

MobileDiffusion is a novel text-to-image model that is specifically designed and optimized for mobile devices. MobileDiffusion is based on the latent diffusion model framework, which is a type of generative model that can learn to generate images from text by reversing a diffusion process. The diffusion process involves adding noise to an image until it becomes pure noise, while the reverse process involves removing noise from pure noise until it becomes an image.

The latent diffusion model framework has shown impressive results in text-to-image generation, such as Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, and Imagen.However, the latent diffusion model framework has two main drawbacks that make it unsuitable for mobile deployment.

First, it requires a large number of sampling steps to generate images, which can be slow and expensive. Second, it involves a complex network architecture with a large number of parameters, which can be memory-intensive and computationally demanding.

To overcome these drawbacks, MobileDiffusion adopts two key techniques namely, an efficient Diffusion UNet architecture and a one-step sampling process. The Diffusion UNet architecture is a simplified and streamlined version of the original diffusion UNet, which reduces the number of parameters and layers, while preserving the image quality and diversity.

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The one-step sampling on the other hand process is based on the diffusion-GAN technique, which fine-tunes a pre-trained diffusion model with a GAN discriminator, and enables one-step sampling during inference, instead of multiple steps. These two techniques significantly improve the efficiency and speed of MobileDiffusion, while maintaining its performance and quality.

How to Use MobileDiffusion?

MobileDiffusion is easy to use and integrate into your mobile applications. MobileDiffusion supports both iOS and Android platforms, and can run on various premium devices, such as iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy S21, or Google Pixel 6.

MobileDiffusion can generate images from text prompts in half a second, with a resolution of 512×512 pixels. MobileDiffusion can handle various types of text prompts, such as simple nouns, adjectives, phrases, or sentences. MobileDiffusion can also generate images from multiple text prompts, by concatenating them with a comma.To use MobileDiffusion, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download and install the MobileDiffusion app from the App Store or the Google Play Store.
  • Launch the app and grant the necessary permissions, such as camera and storage.
  • Enter a text prompt or choose one from the predefined list, and tap the generate button.
  • Wait for a few seconds and see the generated image on the screen.
  • You can save, share, or edit the image as you wish.

Here are some examples of images generated by MobileDiffusion from different text prompts:

  • A cat wearing sunglassesA snail made of a harp
  • A pentagon made of cheese A blue whale in space A castle on a cloud

    Why MobileDiffusion Matters?

    MobileDiffusion is significant for text-to-image generation on mobile devices, as it enables rapid and realistic image creation from text on the device, without relying on the cloud or the internet. MobileDiffusion has many benefits and advantages, such as:

    • Enhancing user experience and creativity: MobileDiffusion allows users to generate images from text on the fly, with minimal latency and high quality. MobileDiffusion can also inspire users to create and explore new and novel images, by providing them with a powerful and versatile tool for content creation.
    • Addressing privacy and security concerns: MobileDiffusion runs entirely on the device, without sending any data to the cloud or the internet. MobileDiffusion can protect the privacy and security of the users and their data, by avoiding data leakage, inference attacks, or re-identification attacks.
    • Reducing cost and complexity: MobileDiffusion has a small model size and a fast inference speed, which can reduce the cost and complexity of text-to-image generation on mobile devices. MobileDiffusion can also save the bandwidth and battery consumption of the users, by avoiding the need for cloud or internet connection.

    MobileDiffusion is a game-changer for text-to-image generation on mobile devices, as it opens up new possibilities and scenarios for mobile users. MobileDiffusion can be used for various purposes and domains, such as education, entertainment, commerce, and more. MobileDiffusion can also be extended and improved to support more features and functionalities, such as image manipulation, image captioning, image search, and more.


    MobileDiffusion is a highly efficient text-to-image model that combines the advantages of latent diffusion models and diffusion-GANs. MobileDiffusion can generate high-quality images from text prompts in half a second on iOS and Android premium devices, with a comparably small model size of just 520M parameters. MobileDiffusion is a game-changer for text-to-image generation on mobile devices, as it opens up new possibilities and scenarios for mobile users.

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