RAISE 2024: The Generative AI Summit in Paris on April 8, 2024

by Rida Fatima
RAISE 2024 Generative AI Summitt


RAISE 2024: The Generative AI Summit is happening in Paris on April 8, 2024.

Conference themes:

The conference theme is The Transformative Power of Generative AI on Businesses and Society. The conference aims to explore how generative AI can foster innovation, creativity, and problem-solving in various domains and industries. The conference will also address the current and future challenges and opportunities of generative AI, such as ethical, legal, and social implications, data protection, risk management, and regulatory landscape.

Conference topics:

The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to generative AI, such as:

  • Generative AI applications and use cases in different sectors, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, art, finance, and more.
  • Generative AI techniques and methods, such as generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, transformers, and more.
  • Generative AI evaluation and metrics, such as fidelity, diversity, novelty, and more.
  • Generative AI challenges and limitations, such as data quality, scalability, robustness, and more.
  • Generative AI ethics and governance, such as fairness, accountability, transparency, and more.

Submission guidelines:

The conference is accepting papers and proposals from researchers, practitioners, and students who want to share their work and insights on generative AI. The submission types are:

  • Full papers (up to 10 pages)
  • Short papers (up to 6 pages)
  • Posters (up to 2 pages)
  • Demos (up to 2 pages)
  • Workshops (up to 4 pages)

The submissions should follow the ACM template and be submitted via the EasyChair system. The submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers and accepted based on their originality, relevance, quality, and clarity. The accepted papers and proposals will be published in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference.

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: February 15, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: March 31, 2024
  • Conference date: April 8, 2024

Conference link and submission link

The conference website is RAISE Summit and the submission website is RAISE Submission.

 The speakers for the RAISE Summit are:

  • Arthur Mensch, CEO & Co-Founder of Mistral AI
  • Aravind Srinivas, CEO & Co-Founder of Perplexity AI
  • Aidan Gomez, CEO & Co-Founder of Cohere
  • Florence Verzelen, Executive VP & Board Member of Dassault Systèmes
  • Caspar Herzberg, CEO & Member of the Board of Aveva Systems
  • Karim Beguir, CEO & Co-Founder of InstaDeep & BioNTech
  • Chandra Khatri, Founder & Head of AI at Krutrim
  • Des Traynor, Co-Founder & CSO of Intercom
  • Rodrigo Liang, CEO & Co-Founder of Sambanova Systems
  • Antoine Blondeau, Founding Partner of Alpha Intelligence Capital
  • Nicole Büttner, Founder & CEO of Merantix Momentum
  • François Candelon, Global Lead of BCG Henderson Institute
  • Sixte de Vauplane, CEO & Co-Founder of Animal
  • Gabriel Hubert, CEO & Co-Founder of Dust
  • Biljana Kaitovic, Executive VP in charge of Innovation, Research & Technology at ENGIE
  • Adrian Locher, CEO & Co-Founder of Merantix
  • Mrinal Manohar, CEO & Co-Founder of Casper Labs
  • Shyam Nagarajan, Executive Partner & Global Leader of IBM Blockchain Services
  • Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Managing Director, Machine Learning at Morgan Stanley
  • Milos Rusic, CEO & Co-Founder of Deepset
  • Manuela Veloso, Head AI Research at J.P. Morgan
  • Victoria Weller, VP of Operations at ElevenLabs
  • Gilles Babinet, President & French Digital Champion of Conseil National du Numérique
  • David Martineau, Deputy CEO & Managing Partner of Sia Partners
  • Anand Iyer, Partner at Canonical & LightSpeed Ventures
  • Shawn Ten, Policy Lead (AI, Health, Education) at Singaporean Government & World Economic Forum
  • Jeremy Harroch, VP & Founder of Capgemini Invent & Quantity
  • Merve Noyan, Machine Learning Advocate at Hugging Face
  • Olivier Oullier, Co-founder of Inclusive Brains
  • Theodoros Evgueniou, Founder of Tremau & Professor at INSEAD

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